

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Spring Flowers and a Greenhouse Skeleton

Well Spring is here - and a greenhouse takes shape - still more clutter to shift  - but things are on the up  - the garden has survived the winter deluge and the demolition remarkably well  - so I have posted a few of my favourite pics - and also a few shots of the greenhouse coming to life.

It is pretty much 4 weeks since I last posted - seems to me that this house has been flat out - with garden affairs - family affairs and general living - the fields and country walkways have been so wet and muddy until recently and so have been out of bounds for a black and white collie who loves to race back and two through  very mucky pools - also Blue has been restricted on her exercise - she has had  an operation  which left her with a wound with stitches on her side - but now things have healed up nicely and so she is able to exercise in her usual fashion - a tearaway collie.!!

Here are a few pics of our mammoth task - please say it looks better - mind there is still a way to go - staging is being made by a friend - before the plants can be moved in - yes they are all crammed into the old cedar wood house - which in its turn is coming down to make way for new paving - a line of trellis for clematis and some garden furniture - all in the distant  future me thinks - well there you are you see - now for a few pics for a clearer picture.
                     Take one - corner bricks in place
                     Wow the bricks are down !!
Up she goes - looking good  - what do you think
glass going in - not to many breakages! 
Blue inspects the new space  ( thinks plenty of ball playing area)!
and this is Fred !- a garden gift from a neighbour - made locally - love him
 So there we are - getting there - and now just a few pics from round the garden
No doubt that the colours of Spring really give a lift to the garden and certainly give me a boost!!
 I thought I had lost my primula sieboldii  - so sent for replacements - and then see below my plants were just a bit slow off the mark but here they are pushing through - now I had white and pink plants so now I am waiting to see if both have survived - I love primulas and intend to have more
Note the empty looking pots scattered around - I am just waiting to see what is going to shoot next  
Primula Gigha
 Help your self to a scone if there is not enough to go around I will make some more!!
 Bye until next time - Jane x


  1. You've both been working your socks off. It's looking really good. Bluie looks as though she's loving the space. Glad her wound is healing. Your flowers are lovely.

    1. Thanks Molly - I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel mow - love to you both xx

    2. whoops - sorry about the spelling mistake x

  2. Get better ,Blue.
    Love The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx
    Pee Ess.Mummy Janey loves all the flowers!

  3. Bluey says thanks pussycats don't laugh but the vet shaved my hair in three places but it is growing again now and I look a bit like a patchwork quilt but hey ho - love to mummy janey xx

  4. You guys over there are always ahead of us in the spring department lol Always Daffy's out long before ours . My uncle Arthur over there always used to tease us with letters and photos of his spring flowers in his gardens as he was 5 year garden champion many years ago in the garden competitions they had over there ! Thanks for popping by my blog today . I love your photos and your pooches are cute . Looks like that will be a lovely green house ! My parents were British dad was from Hammer smith mum from Liverpool relatives in Cornwall and spread through out England and some in Scotland lol ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  5. Thankyou for visiting my blog Country Gal - our brother married into a Liverpool family - she was a fantastic person - and she never lost her Liverpool dialect sadly she is no longer with us and we miss her very much -your Uncle Arthur sounded an interesting chap - and we still have garden competitions over here !!
