

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Wales at Easter

Wild Flowers -
Steam Trains
and Mountains - Wales had shed its winter shroud of mists - turbulent storms and heavy snow and we saw a glimpse of a gentler Wales
- silence only broken by bird song  and the calling of sheep and lambs in the fields and of course the movement of steam trains up the valley.

We spent the week - us two - two teenage grandsons and two dogs - chilling out - the crew we have stayed in this house before - fantastic views (for us ) WiFi for the younger ones - playing on gadgets way into the night and getting up late - us getting up early  catching the sunrise
 and walking the dogs - seeing the countryside waking up.

We took a trip on the Blaenau Ffestiniog Railway which is a fabulous trip
- steaming through the Welsh Mountains and a visit to Portmeirion Village
- renowned for its fabulous pottery and incredible architecture. The grounds are extensive - us two returned in the evening
to walk up into the woods
and view the age old shrubs and trees - some hundred years old and more- rhododendrons
and camellias towered to the sky -we also saw evidence of the recent terrible storms - Portmerion lost total 98 trees,

 Returning home and taking a walk out at our local park
and strolling around its walled kitchen garden and admiring the flowers
and veggies - as we approached the old brick buildings suddenly a swallow swooped past - the first one for me this year - what a wonderful surprise - of course as they say over here in the UK "one swallow does not make a summer" but it did it for me ! enjoy your week - Jane x


  1. I can't get over how many flowers there are!
    Jane x

  2. WoW...what gorgeous images. i picked a few favorites but it would be unfair to the others to name them!!

    sounds like a wonderful place to visit and watch the countryside wake up!!

    beautiful, just beautiful!!
