

Monday, 24 November 2014

Looking back - my entry for Macro Monday 2

I am posting to Macro Monday 2 - I feel the need to dream of summer days and the buzzing of bees in my garden -I  tried this year to encourage the bees and butterflies by setting their friendly plants.

So relaxing to spend time in the garden - working away to the buzz of bees - you know we take so much for granted in our busy lives - relaxing with nature can be so medicinal and rewarding

 The foxgloves below are semi wild I think - they are self setters - meaning they self seed here and there but always they look fantastic and add style to the garden


the pictures posted are my favourites from the different seasons of the year - this Red Admiral butterfly below  seemed to wait patiently for the picture to be taken - or maybe it was blissfully supping the nectar of the plant

This shot below was taken last summer while out on a dog walk so is not my garden and I am not sure what the plant is - do you know? 

This bee below was blissfully browsing in the gardens at Hidcote - a fantastic garden in the Cotswolds well worth a visit if you can - click on the pics for a better look
Do you know I feel really uplifted - thinking of those summer days -Happy Macro Monday to you all - enjoy your day 


  1. Thanks for taking us back in time! I fear winter will be exceptionally long this year so I applaud you for making it feel just a wee bit shorter...for the moment, at least.

  2. Beautiful photos!
    Have a great week!

  3. A very nice photo series .. great job ...
    Best regards, Karin

  4. Amazing photos! I love the butterfly!

  5. What lovely photos to cheer me up on what's been a miserable foggy day!
